Providers officially recognized by Coyol Free Zone
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☆ Coyol Impulsa 2021 Winner Company
- Integral printing and packaging solutions with the highest standards of quality, service and technology.
- Category: Packaging and labeling company
- Website: www.grupovargas.com
- Email: info@grupovargas.com
- Tel: +50622335744
MCI (Microbiología y Calidad Industrial S.A.)
☆ Coyol Impulsa 2021 Winner Company
- Microbiological analysis for the medical and pharmaceutical industry, consulting, training and sales of culture media and solutions.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.mycindustrial.com
- Email: info@mycindustrial.com
- Tel: +50670055497
☆ Coyol Impulsa 2021 Winner Company
- Medical device parts manufacturing in controlled and uncontrolled environments, precision shop, fixtures, engineering and other services.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.prmccr.com
- Email: miguel.castro@prmccr.com
- Tel: +50647020986
☆ Coyol Impulsa 2021 Winner Company
- Manufacture of specialized chemical products and provision of integrated waste management services through sustainable transformation.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.fortech.cr
- Email: info@fortech.cr
- Tel: +50625738634
☆ Coyol Impulsa 2021 Winner Company
- Specialists in the labeling industry, offering innovative solutions for the products of their clients.
- Category: Packaging and labeling company
- Website: www.etipres.com
- Email: serviciocliente@etipres.com
- Tel: +50622612345
- Specialists in printing and advising innovative packaging for different markets, including pharmaceutical and medical devices.
- Category: Packaging and labeling company
- Website: http://poliartcr.com/
- Email: jsoto@poliartcr.com
- Tel: +50622327504
- Manufacturing of tooling, fixtures, prototypes, spare parts, production of all types of materials with CNC WEDM equipment, grinding, hole popper, etc.
- Category: Supply and/or component company.
- Website: www.atemisaprecision.com
- Email: info@atemisaprecision.com
- Tel: +50622445983
- A portfolio of more than 35,000 products to supply companies in their manufacturing, operation, repair and maintenance processes.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.capris.cr
- Email: kgranados@capris.cr
- Tel: +50625195000
- Distributors of all types of office supplies, technology, cleaning, disinfection, cafeteria, stationery and security supplies.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.tiendadoctoroffice.com
- Email: msuarez@drofficecr.com
- Tel: +50622909119
- Suppliers of consumables for the medical and electronics industry.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.ems-cr.com
- Email: info@ems-cr.com
- Tel: +50622651010
- Sale and Distribution of Hygienic and Occupational Health Products, Biomedical Equipment and Material (EMB), Manufacturing and Laundry of Uniforms..
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.induply.com
- Email: sales@induply.com
- Tel: +50622396545
- Products for the manufacture of medical, electronic and industrial devices: ultraviolet curing, clean room supplies, packaging, occupational safety, hand tools and MRO.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.idscocr.com
- Email: aflores@idscocr.com
- Tel: +50622394109
- Microbiological analysis for the medical and pharmaceutical industry, consulting, training and sales of culture media and solutions.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.mycindustrial.com
- Email: info@mycindustrial.com
- Tel: +50670055497
- Specialists in BMS Systems, HVAC Systems and Lighting – Statistical Data Analysis.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.solmatec.cr
- Email: contacto@solmatec.cr
- Tel: +5062201701tel:6
- ISO 17025 accredited laboratory for the analysis of food, water, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
- Company: Service company
- Website: www.suplilabcr.com
- Email: info@suplilabcr.com
- Tel: +50622812000
- Written and oral medical translation services in several languages. ISO 9001 certified company.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.tildetraducciones.com
- Email: corp@tildetraducciones.com
- Tel: +50622214062
- Company engaged in the supply, installation, support and maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.climatisacr.com
- Email: info@climatisacr.com
- Tel: +50622393390
- Educational institution that offers personalized services of prenatal stimulation, early stimulation, day care, home babysitting and tutoring.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.shinylittlestar.net
- Email: info@shinylittlestar.net
- Tel: +50660490695
- Department store engaged in retail, wholesale and institutional sales with office supplies, technology, and furniture, among others.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.tiendauniversal.com
- Email: servicioalcliente@tiendauniversal.com
- Tel: +50685595171
- Technology company that offers solutions for resource management, office space and corporate parking solutions.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.parso.co
- Email: comercial@parso.co
- Tel: +50672764895
- Importer and installer of synthetic turf of U.S. origin, specialized in decorative installations and sports facilities.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.synlawncr.com
- Email: ventas@synlawncr.com
- Tel: +50688660794
- Food services company for national and international companies that require institutional dining services.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.cicafeterias.com
- Email: info@cicafeterias.com
- Tel: +50660128175
- Company that provides welding services and different types of products at industrial level.
- Category: Service company
- Website: www.facebook.com/tallerindustrialbrenes
- Email: tallerind.brenesaso@gmail.com
- Tel: +50624947432
- General and preventive maintenance, remodeling and electrical, telecommunications, and plumbing installations
- Category: Service company
- Website:
- Email:
- Tel: +50660347070
Chacon y Aviram S.A.
- Electromechanical construction for industrial, commercial, hospital and residential projects
- Category: Services
- Website: www.chaconyaviram.co.cr
- Email: info@chaconyaviram.co.cr
- Tel: +50622395622
- Sale and installation of electronic security systems
- Category: Services
- Website: www.microtronics.cr
- Email: info@microtronics.cr
- Tel: +50622689090
- Customized development in a variety of programming languages and database administrators
- Category: Services
- Website: https://epsilonsoftcr.com/
- Email: atencionalcliente@epsilonsoftcr.com
- Tel: +50661328569
- Supply and Maintenance (Preventive and Corrective) of Pumping Systems in general
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.inemacr.com
- Email: info@inemacr.com
- Tel: +50647010504
- Industrial batteries for electric forklifts, chargers and their accessories, technical service, racks or shelving for warehouses
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.aisamillenium.com
- Email: aisa@aisamillenium.com
- Tel: +50622417633
Tierra Feliz del Caribe S.A. (Termicon)
- Inland transportation, rental of trucks, dry refrigerated containers, pallet repair, container terminals
- Category: Services
- Website: https://www.termicon.org/
- Email: hugo.garita@acterminals.net
- Tel: +50640310330
- Distribution of personal protective gear and disposable equipment such as latex gloves
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: myt.solutions.2821@gmail.com
- Tel: +50689829682
- Comprehensive corporate wellness programs. Mental and physical health, nutrition and personal finance programs.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://sites.google.com/recreactiva.com/recreactiva/inicio?authuser=1
- Email: miguel@recreactiva.com
- Tel: +50671127820
Quality de Costa Rica S.A.
- General building maintenance. Plumbing, electrical, masonry repair, painting, air conditioning.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.qualitydecostarica.com
- Email: gerencia@qualitydecostarica.com
- Tel: +50626431184
- Manufacture of furniture, wood, iron and acrylic structures, displays, personalized gifts, lighted signs and graphic and 3D printing.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.coyoltek.com
- Email: info@coyoltek.com
- Tel: +50624341682
Constructora PIACO S.A
- Company engaged in engineering, architecture and construction.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.constructorapiaco.com
- Email: info@constructorapiaco.com
- Tel: +50622743033
Soluciones Textiles, SOTEXSA
- Design and manufacture of textile specialties with a “customized textile engineering” approach.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.sotexsatextil.com
- Email: gerencia@sotexsatextil.com
- Tel: +50622616471
González & Marín Constructora y Remodeladora S.A
- Construction, remodeling and maintenance services
- Category: Services
- Website: www.gonzalezymarin.com
- Email: info@gonzalezymarin.com
- Tel: +50622260298
Transportes Shasam
- Business transportation and freight
- Category: Services
- Website: www.transportesshasam.com
- Email: jmesen09@gmail.com
- Tel: +50622732171
Oficeco suministros
- Sale of office and computer supplies, cleaning and pantry products, hardware, furniture and appliances
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: https://oficeco-suministros.negocio.site/
- Email: ventas.oficeco@gmail.com
- Tel: +50624412582
GREENgineering S.A.
- Electromechanical design and inspection. Electromechanical drawings. Design and construction of machines and fixtures. Precision mechanics.
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: greengineeringcr@gmail.com
- Tel: +50625520851
Ingenieria de Mantenimiento
- Development of Industrial Automation projects, automatic machines and sale of industrial equipment related to automation
- Category: Services
- Website: www.ingemancr.com
- Email: cramirez@ingemancr.com
- Tel: +50621028359
Industrial del Caribe RAM S.A.
- Construction of steel tanks, assembly of process equipment, boilers and piping, supply of electromechanical personnel by administration.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://industrial-del-caribe-ramsa.negocio.site/
- Email: gerencia@industrialdelcaribe.com
- Tel: +50622742062
Estructuras y mantenimiento industrial Arrieta y Arrieta
- Industrial maintenance, manufacture of structures, stainless steel piping, carbon steel and ammonia piping.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://arrieta-y-arrieta.business.site/
- Email: estructurasarrietayarrieta@gmail.com
- Tel: +50670251676
Block Constructora
- Construction company offering all services related to construction.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.blockcr.com
- Email: info@blockcr.com
- Tel: +50622892415
- STIHL Equipment, Parts and Accessories. Technical Service 2T and 4T engines. Personal Protective Gear, Machinery Rental, Installation of BIODIGESTORS.
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: ventas@equipadus.com
- Tel: +50624474138
Dr. Jaus S.A
- Marketing and installation of energy saving systems, water saving and environmentally friendly cleaning products.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: www.dr-jaus.com
- Email: gerencia@dr-jaus.com
- Tel: +50640821846
Equipos de Seguridad Industrial CR LTDA.
- Civil services, electromechanical, A/A maintenance, construction and others.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: https://esiextintores.com/ (En Construcción)
- Email: asanchez@equiposdeseguridadcr.com
- Tel: +50621004114
(SCS) Soporte Civil Services
- Civil services, electromechanical, A/A maintenance, construction and others.
- Category: Supply and/or component company
- Website: https://soporte-civil-services-scs.negocio.site/
- Email: scsmultiservicios@gmail.com
- Tel: +50625525455
Multiservicios Rome
- Construction, remodeling, building maintenance and assembly of industrial equipment
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: multiserviciosrome@outlook.es
- Tel: +50686621074
Electricidad y control Industrial Vargas & Smith S.A
- Expert electromechanical design and construction in the industry
- Category: Services
- Website: www.ecicr.com
- Email: info@ecicr.com
- Tel: +50622934210
- Specialists in preventive and corrective maintenance for the industrial sector, safety, occupational health and OSHA certified.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://www.corporaciond.cr/
- Email: ventas@corporaciond.cr
- Tel: +50647048528
Corporación Grupo R.J
- Electronic engineering, hardware and lumber yard company
- Category: Services
- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/corporaciongruporj/home
- Email: gruporjasesores@gmail.com
- Tel: +50688426785
Taller de servicios MAS S.A.
- Construction, remodeling, space setting, enclosures, metallic furniture, office furniture, etc.
- Category: Services
- Website: tsmcr.com
- Email: servicio@tsmcr.com
- Tel: +50622300387
Amazing Go Costa Rica
- Service company that meets the demand that currently exists in the field of employee relocation.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://amazinggocostarica.com/employees-transport/
- Email: info@amazinggocostarica.com
- Tel: +50683618551
Aceros Carazo Reimers, S.A.
- Distributors of Steel Construction Materials, Welding, Accessories, Welding Equipment, Ridgid and Snap-On Tools.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.aceroscarazo.com
- Email: info@aceroscarazo.com
- Tel: +50640001227
- Sale, service and training of fire extinguishers, design and installation of fire fighting systems
- Category: Services
- Tel: 800-EXTINTOR
- Customized graphic and textile production, as well as gift products
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: ingrid.alvarado@isafproducciones.com
- Tel: +50683284637
Generadores Electricos Latinos S.A.
- Sale, maintenance and refurbishment of new and used power plants, as well as transfers, transformers and medium and high voltage installations.
- Category: Services and inputs/components
- Website: www.generadoreselectricoslatinos.com
- Email: latinosgeneradores@yahoo.com
- Tel: +50624511010
RT Construcciones Civiles y Mecánicas S.A.
- Work at heights, rental of lifting equipment. Works in facade cleaning, painting, electrical remodeling and small-scale civil works.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://rtalquilerequipo.com/
- Email: andreschacon@rtconstrucciones.net
- Tel: +50622267095
El Valor de la Unión Consultores ltda
- Company specialized in commercial construction and remodeling
- Category: Services
- Website: https://vaducr.com/
- Email: a.julate@vaduconsultores.com
- Tel: +50622407749
All Mechanicals S.A.
- Design, construction and consulting in electromechanical engineering. Automation of industrial processes. Sale and installation of electrical and electronic equipment.
- Category: Services and inputs/components
- Website:
- Email: servicio@allmechanicalscr.com
- Tel: +50627682424
Kids Star Kingdom S.A.
- Full professional cleaning and housekeeping service
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: administracion@kskcr.com
- Tel: +50622930969
- Design and manufacture of equipment, furniture, piping manufacture and installation, and maintenance
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: hermmorindustrial@gmail.com
- Tel: +50622547382
Gypsum Panel SA
- Gypsum installation, suspended ceilings, aluminum composite, wall painting and plastering, installation of thermo-acoustic panels
- Category: Services
- Website: https://gypsumpanelcr.com/
- Email: ventas@gypsumpanelcr.com
- Tel: +50624452362
Distribuidora Café Montaña
- Roasting, grinding, packaging and distribution of coffee
- Category: Inputs
- Website: www.dcm.cr
- Email: msolano@dcm.cr
- Tel: +50624420000
Laboratorio de Análisis Químicos y Ambientales GAIA S.A
- Laboratory accredited in the INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard: Analysis of wastewater, potable water, occupational and environmental health measurements.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.labgaia.com
- Email: melissa@labgaia.com
- Tel: +50624315153
Sirú Financiero
- Customized tips for financial health that focus on the objectives and goals of the consulting people while generating value for the organization.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.sirufinanciero.com
- Email: info@sirufinanciero.com
- Tel: +50670860302
Equipo y Papelería Los Alpes S.A.
- Manufacture and flexographic printing of adhesive labels, import and distribution of thermal printing ribbons.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.equipalpes.com
- Email: recepcion@equipalpes.com
- Tel: +50622230323
- Supplier of specialized goods and services in the areas of Environmental Management, Quality, and Occupational Health and Safety.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.linkedin.com/company/altum-consultores
- Email: servicioalcliente@altum.lat
- Tel: +50670600797
Catering del Hemisferio
- Corporate catering service, event production, corporate dining rooms and special events.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.hemisferiocatering.com
- Email: ventas@hemisferiocatering.com
- Tel: +50622413975
Experiencia Áurea
- In-house design studio focused on creating user experiences, in functional and balanced spaces according to needs.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.experienciaaurea.com
- Email: esteban@experienciaaurea.com
- Tel: +50621015825
Desarrollos EnLínea S.A. (GND)
- Integration of Microsoft Teams with telephony, video conferencing equipment, IP phones, headset, contact center-call center platforms, etc.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.gnd.cr
- Email: ventas@gnd.cr
- Tel: +50640311700
Minerva Consultores
- Consulting and audits related to quality, manufacturing, medical devices, and certifications, among others
- Category: Services
- Website: www.minervaconsultores.com
- Email: info@minervaconsultores.com
- Tel: +50670957751
Tunais Marketing y Consulting S.A.
- 3D solutions for all industries, 3D consulting and 3D printing
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.dgtalic.com
- Email: sales@dgtalic.com
- Tel: +50686823714
Café Narava
- Production of specialty coffee, harvested and processed in an environmentally friendly manner
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.cafenarava.com
- Email: cabadilla@cafenarava.com
- Tel: +50684557600
CRFullPack MR S.A.
- Specialized in all types of packaging, cardboard, bags, bubble wrap, EPE – PU foams, thermoformed, ESD and Cleanroom supplies
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.crfullpack.com
- Email: sales@crfullpack.com
- Tel: +50622741743
Rapibox S.A.
- Manufacture of corrugated boxes, folding cartons, boxes, capsules, bags and any type of paper packaging
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.rapiboxcr.com
- Email: mariojenkins@rapiboxcr.com
- Tel: +50622140297
MLWS Engineering & Micro-Precision
- Full service CAD/CAM, 3D printing, from rapid prototyping to component manufacturing, rapid tooling and equipment solutions
- Category: Services
- Website: www.mlws.cr
- Email: info@mlws.cr
- Tel: +50663587116
Grupo Seinel
- Services in electrical engineering and everything in sales of materials
- Category: Services
- Website: www.gruposeinel.com
- Email: cmurillo@seinelcr.com
- Tel: +50624433513
- Validation of controlled air environments (clean rooms – biosafety cabinets – laminar flow chambers – gas extraction hoods – hydrogen peroxide decontamination)
- Category: Services
- Website: www.stericcr.com
- Email: info@stericcr.com
- Tel: +50687550995
- Hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and electronic products. Sales, service and repair of fluid handling equipment.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.facility.cr
- Email: ventas@facility.cr
- Tel: +50624535000
- Printing of labels in general
- Category: Services
- Website: www.dps-lat.com
- Tel: +50622213627
- Professional pest control solutions, based on IPM, for all types of sectors
- Category:Input and/or components company
- Website: www.orkin.com
- Email: fdelgado@orkincr.com
- Tel: +50622721010
Services Electrónicos Azocar LTDA.
- Sales, preventive or corrective maintenance and calibration of weighing equipment
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.azocarcr.com
- Email: mperez@azocarcr.com
- Tel: +50622220000
Uniformes Quiros
- High quality uniforms for all sectors of the country such as health, food, construction, medical, industrial and manufacturing
- Category: Services
- Website: www.uniformesquiros.com
- Email: info@uniformesquiros.com
- Tel: +50687054552
- Sale and rental of construction and maintenance equipment. Battery and electric tools and wheels
- Category:Input and/or components company
- Website: www.tecnofijacionescr.com
- Email: soporte@tecnofijacionescr.com
- Tel: +50622568115
Bluetech Costa Rica
- Ecological products: Cleaning and disinfection for businesses and homes: Efficient and sustainable, environmentally friendly without compromising hygiene and health, biodegradable
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website:
- Email: info@bluetecr.com
- Tel: +50622356844
Etiquetas Plasticas Etiplast S.A
- Manufacturers of plain and printed labels, such as products for packaging
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: www.etiplast.com
- Tel: +50622514545
- Company supplier of steel materials for construction, as well as related industries in general. Medical, food, precision, metal-mechanic, structural maintenance
- Category:Input and/or components company
- Website: http://acerosgriegos.cr/
- Email: gerencia@acerosgriegos.cr
- Tel: +50624942033
- Cleaning solutions by offering cleaning services and products that are environmentally and health friendly
- Category:Input and/or components company
- Website: www.florexcr.com
- Email: infoflorex@florexcr.com
- Tel: +50624472323
- Import and distribution of bearings, retainers, bearings for industry, agriculture and the automotive industry
- Category: Services
- Website: www.balisacr.com
- Email: vladimir.martinezv@balisacr.com
- Tel: +50640529000
- Category: Services
- Tel: +50626549797
- Sale of equipment and utensils for professional kitchens
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.tipscr.com
- Email: sduran@tipscr.com
- Tel: +50625432100
TMA Corporation S.R.L
- We are suppliers of consumables for the medical, industrial, and food industries, plastic resins, and strategic raw materials. We offer integrated logistics services, inventory management, and distribution of goods.
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.tmacorp.net
- Email: info@tmacorp.net
- Tel: +50683580081
- Fire fighting systems, pumping systems, hydrocarbon and LP gas systems, engineering services, as well as their respective maintenance and installations
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: ventas@ingeprocr.com
- Tel: +50624304578
SEIMAQ Services integrados S.A.
- Sales, rental and technical service of Forklifts, Stackers, carts and attachments for the handling of heavy loads
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: www.seimaq.com
- Email: ventas1@seimaq.com
- Tel: +50622616186
Tiendas Universal
- Department store and gift cards
- Category: Input and/or components company
- Website: tiendauniversal.com
- Email: vieste@tiendauniversal.com
- Tel: +50671593826
Corrugados ALTAVISTA (Jorge Pinto Gutiérrez)
- Manufacturers of corrugated cardboard boxes, with more than 20 years of experience in the market, we operate in various sectors of the medical, food, agricultural and agro-industrial industries, among others.
- Category:Products
- Website: www.corrugadosaltavista.com
- Email: jorge.pinto@corrugadosaltavista.com
- Tel: +50627169600 / +5067006-1734
HighTec Industrial S.A (ATECO)
- We provide solutions in areas such as: thermal insulation for infrastructure, thermal insulation of industrial processes (material in liquid presentation, like a paint, of the highest technology with certificates of energy efficiency and reduction of thermal stress), thermoacoustic and zero maintenance ASA UPVC roofing sheets, and epoxy flooring.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://atecolatam.com
- Email: dorian@atecolatam.com / htindustrialcr@gmail.com
- Tel: +50689188320 / +50686875467
Metalinspec SRL
- Sale, training and calibration of measuring equipment
- Category: Services
- Website: https://www.metalinspec.com.mx
- Email: mnaranjo@metrolab.com.mx
- Tel: +50621007471 / +50687386460
Corporación Font
- We provide integral solutions of high added value, through high-quality electromechanical, chemical and technological products and services that contribute to the productivity and well-being of our customers and the country.
- Category: Products and services
- Website: https://www.corporacionfont.com/
- Email: veronica.alfaro@font.co.cr
- Tel: +50622969010 / +50683733453
SABO Internacional SA
- Manufacture and marketing of products for industrial, institutional, commercial and technology in the supply of solutions and specialized products for cleaning and maintenance of technological, electromechanical, automotive, physical plants, institutional and home equipment, as well as paper products, equipment and complementary accessories for the cleaning and maintenance areas of the same sectors, through innovative, high quality products.
- Category: Products
- Website: https://www.sabointernacional.com/home
- Email: tel6cr@sabointernacional.com
- Tel: +50622441880 / Ext 1219
Componentes El Orbe S.A
- We provide integral enterprise technology solutions in the Central American region, specializing in cybersecurity, end-user, networking, virtualization, servers and storage.
- Category:Services
- Website: https://www.elorbe.la/
- Email: notificaciones@corporacionob.com
- Tel: +50625454700
Segnini Exportaciones S.A (SEGEX)
- We are a 100% Costa Rican company. we provide Integral logistics services under the Free Trade Zone Regime, such as: Inventory Management and Control, Order Fulfillment, Packaging and repacking of products, among many others.
- Category:Services
- Website: www.segex.co.cr
- Email: l.shirley@segex.co.cr / f.fallas@segex.co.cr
- Tel: +50624332424
Mayoreo Global S.A
- We are direct importers of the Vegga brand with more than 30 years of experience in the national wholesale market. Our product range includes: domestic ventilation, industrial ventilation, gas inserts, induction inserts, induction utensils, gas cylinders, as well as furniture such as tables and folding chairs. We have a large stock of spare parts and a repair shop to ensure customer satisfaction.
- Category: Products and services
- Website: https://mayoreoglobal.com/
- Email: ventas4@mayoreoglobal.com
- Tel: +5062451-3839 / Ext. 109
- Plasma Air Purifiers and Plasma Air Dryers
- Category: Services
- Website: www.plasmainnova.com
- Email:n.delgado@plasmainnova.com nixon@plasmainnova.com
- Tel: +50688346864 / +50671896062
Advance Learning
- Advance Learning is an international training, coaching and certification center in the area of information and communication technologies.We have more than 15 years of experience, providing learning solutions that seek to train or update your human resources with the digital competencies necessary to face the digital transformation process and the challenges inherent to the fourth industrial revolution.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://advancecr.com
- Email: rbermudez@advancecr.com
- Tel: +5064000-0590 Ext. 14 | +5066052-0238 | (507) 202-4380
Marianas Catering Service S.A.
- We are a company specialized in offering an integral food service with the following platforms:Institutional Dining Room Management, Institutional Food Services, Corporate Catering Service, Social Catering Service, Packaged Food, and Event Organization.
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: rbermudez@advancecr.com
- Tel: +50640308357 | +50688902124
Taller de Soldaduras SoldArt (GAMGAR S.A.)
- Manufacture and repair of custom welding in wrought iron, aluminum, metal, steel, bronze, among other materials; for home, industry, vehicle, or company.
- Category: Products and services
- Website:
- Email: soldart.cr@gmail.com
- Tel: +50689216691 +50689908787
Grupo Seinel de Costa Rica S.R.L.
- Services offered: CAP-DEE engineers, Electrical system certifications (Ministry of Health). Electrical design. Electrical consulting. Electrical power quality studies. Grounding systems. Power factor correction. Diagnosis and correction of harmonics. Arc Flash studies. Fiber optic systems. Fire detection systems. Atmospheric lightning rod systems. Low and medium voltage electrical installations.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://www.gruposeinel.com/
- Email: cmurillo@seinelcr.com
- Tel: +50624433513 +50683842109
Aquapura S.A
- We sell, distribute and provide maintenance for filtration and water purification systems. We have more than 20 years in the Costa Rican market and have a wide customer portfolio that includes agribusiness, food and medical industry.
- Category: Services
- Website: www.aquapura.cr
- Email: info@aquapura.cr
- Tel: +50647040000
- It is much more than an engineering company: it is a trusted partner and a tireless innovator driving progress in the industry. With its commitment to excellence, innovation and customer service, RQL continues to lead the way to a brighter, more sustainable future in the engineering world.
- Category: Services
- Website: https://rqlingenieria.com
- Email: fcampos@rqlcr.com
- Tel: +50687561888
Electricidad y Comunicaciones ELCOM S.A.
- Electrical engineering services, automation, development of industrial IoT applications, cloud systems, industrial electrical installations of power and control in Low and High Voltage, wiring and cabling.Industrial electrical installations of power and control in low and high voltage, structured cabling in copper, fiber optics, CCTV, fire and IT.
- Category: Services
- Website:
- Email: elcom.cr@yahoo.com
- Tel: +50624457234
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