Our work with new infrastructure projects results in innovation and standardization in all construction and administrative processes, allowing us to improve our services

The leadership of Coyol Free Zone in the Costa Rican Free Trade Zone sector has driven us to be at the forefront of innovation and to seek sustainable solutions to the challenges of this competitive industry.

For this reason, we are constantly incorporating new technological tools and processes that will allow us to standardize and become more efficient.

Our milestones in environmental, social, and governance issues have been recognized internationally, making us a benchmark in the Free Trade Zone sector.

We highlight here our main achievements regarding our sustainability actions for the 2023 period:

Sustainable construction

In 2023, the Park continued with the construction of new facilities for companies that announced investments the previous year, as well as the expansion of already operational plants.

During this period, construction began on four expansions for existing clients. Additionally, we initiated the construction of two new facilities that are soon to commence operations. It’s important to note that all these processes adhere to international construction standards and are aimed at minimizing construction waste, which is then properly disposed of.

In total, the construction of new buildings and expansions covered an area of 146,532.37 ft².

Our work with new infrastructure projects results in innovation and standardization in all construction and administrative processes, allowing us to improve our services as leader in Costa Rica free zones.

Read: Sustainable Report 2023, An Era of Transformation

Our work for the preservation of the environment and natural resources

Coyol Free Zone is committed to integrating multiple measures to ensure that project development is in harmony with the environment.

For example, 19% of the area of the Park is allocated to conservation and green areas, and more than 1,7 million cubic feet of water are reused for irrigation.

This is all complemented by environmental initiatives such as reforestation campaigns, support for biological corridors, and biodiversity projects that seek to create a sustainable environment for wildlife.

Commitment to the Wellbeing of our Stakeholders

Social impact on the surrounding communities and our Gente Coyol

At Coyol Free Zone, we strive to integrate social, environmental, and economic initiatives to create a positive impact on our surrounding communities and our Gente Coyol.

One example is our annual race Clásica Coyol, which seeks to promote wellbeing and sports among the employees of the companies based in our Park. This year, the competition attracted a record 2,200 participants and allowed us to make significant donations to educational centers.

Additionally, with the fundraising from the race, we supported the improvement of the infrastructure of the Miguel Carballo School in Naranjo, Alajuela, benefiting over 40 students and staff.

In partnership with Inclusive ION Magazine, we have developed programs to educate about inclusion and intellectual disabilities, including talks and publications aimed at Coyol Free Zone companies.

We also carried out activities for improving the health of people, such as our second annual Blood Donation Campaign with the National Blood Bank and allied companies, helping close to 350 people, and our first Health Fair held at the Park, which offered medical attention and discounts on services and exams.

Furthermore, 670,000 Emergency Department users at San Rafael de Alajuela Hospital will benefit from an electrocardiograph funded by the Clásica Coyol race.

Educational efforts

Coyol Free Zone is engaged in enhancing education in its surrounding communities by providing training, improving infrastructure, and supplying educational institutions with necessary equipment. Our goal is to create formation opportunities in specialized fields for young individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in the Life Sciences industry.

Among our educational initiatives, we want to emphasize BachiCoyol, a program that has successfully achieved the graduation of 121 high school students during 2023.

That same year, we supported over 1,600 students in completing the Manufacturing Operator course, resulting in 297 new employees being hired by various companies in the Park.

Furthermore, we reaffirmed our commitment to Dual Education, with nine students from the Atenas Professional Technical High School completing their programs in companies based in Coyol Free Zone, such as

Job creation

With a vision to maximize our positive impact, we are dedicated to strengthening job creation.

Currently, the 34 companies located in our Park have created 23,796 quality jobs. In 2023, these companies opened 1,796 new positions, with 43% (771) of these new jobs filled through the talent attraction support services provided by CODE Development Group, the codeveloping group of Coyol Free Zone.

These numbers position Coyol Free Zone as the leader in job creation among the Free Zones of Costa Rica.

With a vision to maximize our positive impact, we are dedicated to strengthening job creation.

Currently, the 34 companies located in our Park have created 23,796 quality jobs. In 2023, these companies opened 1,796 new positions, with 43% (771) of these new jobs filled through the talent attraction support services provided by CODE Development Group, the codeveloping group of Coyol Free Zone.

These numbers position Coyol Free Zone as the leader in job creation among the Free Zones of Costa Rica.