Discover how Coyol Free Zone is transforming the medical devices manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry, with success stories and cutting-edge educational programs

Success stories happen every day at the companies based in Coyol Free Zone, and they are a testament to the growth opportunities available for men and women.

Elidiameth Ureña, a production trainer at Abbott, is an example of how education can inspire people to aim higher in their professional path, highlighting her role in medical devices manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry.

She is enrolled in BachiCoyol, an educational program that helps workers of the companies in Coyol Free Zone to finish high school studies.

“I cherish the opportunity to pick up my studies where I left them and be an inspiration for my children”, she said.

Elidiameth faced many obstacles when trying to obtain her high school diploma when she was younger, because she did not have the financial resources to complete her studies. Now, at 40, she is getting another chance to accomplish this personal goal.

After finishing her high school studies, she wants to start higher education and climb up the career ladder.

BachiCoyol: An incentive to finish high school

Like Elidiameth, more than 100 employees of the companies based in our Park are finishing their studies with BachiCoyol. For the implementation of this program, we are working in partnership with the Castro Carazo University.

The program is also open to people of Coyol Free Zone’s surrounding communities.

Sometimes we need a push to get back in the classrooms. Before enrolling into this program, I really had abandoned the idea of obtaining my high school diploma”, Ureña explained.

BachiCoyol is part of Coyol Te Prepara, an educational program that includes various training projects, including courses for Manufacturing Operators and other in demand skills through partnerships with institutions such as INA (National Institute of Learning).

In an industry urging for talent development, these programs are vital for improving the educational skills of people and thus fostering employment. Many are free or financed by the companies based in Coyol Free Zone and public entities.

An enrolled candidate has many advantages, such as becoming part of a database in Coyol Free Zone’s employment center, which is available to all the companies.