

Costa Rica consolidates its position as a destination for the pharmaceutical industry

March 15th, 2022|

Bayer operations reaffirm the potential of Coyol Free Zone as an industry cluster March. Costa Rica is making steady progress in consolidating its position as a destination for the pharmaceutical industry, and Coyol Free Zone is an example of such consolidation, with renowned life sciences companies located in the Park. Currently, Coyol Free Zone is home [...]

Ministry of Public Education (MEP) celebrates opening of dual education with 20 students from Atenas and Barva and the support of six companies

March 7th, 2022|

Modality provides real learning environments, and provides students with the skills required by the employer sector to enhance their professional development. We are starting with 12 students of Industrial Electronics from the Professional Technical School (Colegio Técnico Profesional - CTP) of Atenas, and 8 students of Web Development from the CTP of San Pedro de Barva. [...]

Talent and working conditions at Coyol Free Zone stand out

February 7th, 2022|

The excellent working conditions at Coyol Free Zone and its capacity to attract and retain the best human talent were recently recognized by Revista Summa, an important business magazine in the Central American region. The publication highlighted our emotional salary, our high investment in training, as well as the fact that 50% of our managing positions [...]

What is The future of Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences ?

February 1st, 2022|

Emerging trends and new technologies, like artificial intelligence, precision medicine, and robotics, are disrupting the pharmaceutical industry. The industry is experiencing a greater emphasis on prevention rather than cure, with the patient at the center. Preparing for the future will require reimagining business models, by embracing digital health, renewing systems, and ensuring that employees and citizens [...]

Coyol Free Zone makes it to the Top 100 companies in Costa Rica

December 22nd, 2021|

Coyol Free Zone figures among the 22 new companies that made it to the Top 100 of the 2021 Merco’s corporate reputation ranking for Costa Rica. We also featured as the country’s second most relevant company for the industrial sector. Additionally, Carlos Wong, Managing Director of our Park, was recognized as one of the 30 most [...]

Construction for Life Sciences is booming

December 14th, 2021|

Demand continues to outpace supply in the Life Sciences industry, which works for clients in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, biomedical technologies, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and others. The recent boom in interest has been driven in part by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the sector exponentially grew due to activity around testing and vaccine development. The spike in demand for Life [...]

Reasons to nearshore in Costa Rica

December 9th, 2021|

Nearshoring is among us. The Covid-19 pandemic generated one of the most relevant disruptions in trade and transportation since World War II, thus accelerating the relocation of companies that started a few years ago. The interruption in the logistics and production chains caused by Covid-19 lit the alarm light. While others are analyzing this new globalization [...]

Coyol Free Zone recognizes national suppliers with best business practices

November 23rd, 2021|

Coyol Impulsa recognizes the efforts of companies linked to manufacturing processes in the Life Sciences Sector. November. Innovation, sustainability and the permanent development of products and services for the Life Sciences industry led five Costa Rican companies to be awarded in the First Edition of the Coyol Impulsa Award. This initiative is led by Coyol Free [...]

Nevro Corp. announces Investment of US$21 Million in Coyol Free Zone

November 11th, 2021|

November. Coyol Free Zone, the specialized Life Sciences industry Park in Costa Rica, celebrates the opening of the global operations of Nevro Corp. (NYSE: NVRO), with a 35,000 square foot facility. Nevro expects to invest approximately US$21 million by the end of 2022 to support future growth initiatives. Thus, the Park reaches 30 operating companies (Bayer [...]

Coyol Free Zone guarantees high-quality employment

November 9th, 2021|

Companies inside Coyol Free Zone managed to keep all their personnel, and not only that, but they also created 1,500 new positions during 2020. These figures represent an increase of 10% in the current positions inside the Park, employing 16,500 people. Most of the new positions created in 2020, specifically 55%, were recruited virtually, and are [...]

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